
Sunday, 31 May 2015

SAP BW InfoObjects

Info Objects are essential to the SAP business intelligence solution. InfoObjects accept and obtain information from the source, then revise and arrange the information into either a standard or unique report. The InfoObject is the smallest building block in SAP BW. It is put to use in InfoProviders (InfoCubes, DSOs, MultiProviders, Queries, etc... ). Picture InfoObjects as very small Lego pieces that when assorted together, make a much bigger Lego formation (InfoProvider). InfoProviders are made from InfoObjects and form something critical that permits end users to report.You will find five different types of InfoObjects offered in the SAP BW environment.

Types of InfoObjects:
A) Characteristics (Employee, Customer, Material)

B) Key Figures (Quantity Sold, Amount, Weight)

C) Time Characteristics (Year, Month, Period, Quarter)

D) Unit InfoObjects (Currency Unit, Measurement Unit)

E) Technical Characteristics (Data Load Request ID, Change Run ID, Package ID)

A) Characteristics:

This type of InfoObject symbolizes a business entity that you are likely going to be analyzing. Such as: material, customer, or region.

B) Key Figures:
This type of InfoObject provides numeric measures of business entities. We chose to implement these to examine characteristics by weight, quantity, price, amount, etc...

C) Time Characteristics:
This particular type of InfoObject provides when a transaction takes place. As an option, fiscal year, month of sale, day of sale, quarter in which something sold.

D) Unit InfoObjects:
This kind of InfoObject provides what unit of measure a key figure is using. For instance, we might be using the metric system to gauge weights for our clients, so as a substitute for pounds we will be using kilograms.

E) Technical Characteristics:
SAP internal InfoObjects that retain information containing automatically generated IDs that are being used for monitoring and administration of the SAP BW system. For example, every individual load into SAP BW involves a unique request ID that ties back to a exclusive load so administrators can diagnose inaccuracies or take out a bad data load.

See if you are able to spot the InfoObjects that we would need to use in an effort to answer this business question...

ABC Corporation is interested in finding out how much of product x shipped on date x to factory x.
0NAME (ABC Corporation), 0MATERIAL (Product x), 0DATE (Ship date x), 0LOCATION (factory location) would be our characteristics needed

0AMOUNT (Quantity shipped) would be our key figure used to measure the quantity of products shipped

We know that we would need at a minimum, an InfoProvider that incorporated the above five InfoObjects. This is important when building in BW to get the client to let you know all the pieces they are wishing to analyze (InfoObjects) so you can produce an InfoProvider containing applicable InfoObjects that will create valuable reports and in turn information for the business.

SAP delivers a plethora of InfoObjects standard. These objects are actually in the BI content (Business Content). BI content is SAPs strategy for an out of the box answer to your business requirements. These objects begin with '0' and it is not recommended to revise them. Having said that, more often than not, delivered InfoObjects will not meet your needs for development, you can effortlessly create a customized object that will meet your requirements. You can create custom Characteristic, Key Figure, and Unit InfoObjects.

Seeking for Singapore SAP B1 HANA, reach us Alenu Group Now! at (65) 6884 5030.

A PR article by Dougles Chan - Search Engine Guru - One of the best SEO companies in Singapore and globally. Contact Dougles Chan @ +(65) 9388 0851 or email to dc@dougleschan.com for more information on how to make your website to be the top in Google.

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Customization Of SAP ERP

Sap faces enormous changes in turnover of this period. More innovations have been done in the process of SAP. Tremendous growth has been faced due to the improvement of technologies. In many business sector, SAP becomes the most important, essential and day-to-day applications. To retain their strategy position in marketing, SAP applications have been used for their processing. Most of the companies tend to install SAP in their organization for company development. For product appraisal and business out processing, SAP has been used by most of the business sectors. SAP is a software tool used to build the business process strongly.

Customization of SAP has been started by most of the business people. Nowadays, most of the SAP ERP has been customized by all businesses. The cost of customizing SAP ERP is quite costlier and it is a manual implementation applications. The designing of SAP ERP enables to carry the customization in a most effective and preserved manner. It also helps to generate the designing from one version to another. Customization of ERP becomes mandatory in every part of the technology and because of this technology development most of the people tend to customize their software.

Customization of ERP estimates the implementation of software in programming and consulting services of the organization.SAP ERP has been designed to customize the ERP in optimal level. Customizing the SAP ERP makes the software a unique set and allows flexible customization. This flexible customization of SAP allows the business people to make new up gradation and enhancement. Generally, customization will be made in the form of tables to have easy reference and review in future. The entire process of customization can be easily carried out and it contains the necessary development tools. This process also allows additional flexibility of customization.

This technology allows customizing the modification to the customer and stores all customized components in the retrieved form. When the required functionality is not found, using customization this functionality can be got backed. When entire customization is done on the site, it is easy way to achieve fast and competent out processing. Therefore while installing or exercising ERP, the technician should be very careful. Customization should be made correctly and adequately, too much of anything will fit for nothing. So, the technician should be careful while customizing the ERP. Customization should be made moderately.

Most of the companies spend more money in customizing SAP ERP for their enterprise. To bring the project in a great success, this customization is done by this business sectors. Companies making customization finds difficult to up gradate and they finds difficult to support. Up gradation and changes is the important and essential one to improve the development of business sector. When customization is done moderately, the customization or up gradation can be done, but too much of customization makes difficult for the technician to up grade. The customized functionality can be easily up graded when a new version is released and installed. Customization is a straight forward and acute way to make the management tool efficient.

Seeking for SAP B1 HANA, call Alenu Today! at (65) 6884 5030.

An SAP marketing article by Dougles Chan - Search Engine Guru - One of the best SEO companies in Singapore and globally. Contact Dougles Chan @ +(65) 9388 0851 or email to dc@dougleschan.com for more information on how to make your website to be the top in Google.

The Challenges in Auditing SAP

Many businesses use SAP application to help them plan their resources and activities. Its flexibility and range makes it a challenge to audit.

SAP is highly configurable and implementations often vary, even within various business units of a company - both financial and non-financial. At the same time, the effective operation of controls within the system's environment is critical to a robust financial and operational control environment. Therefore, it is important to gain a good understanding of how SAP is being utilised in the business while planning the audit scope and approach. Auditing an SAP environment introduces several unique complexities that can impact the audit scope and approach.

Business processes
SAP covers most business processes and a minor change in the business process can have a direct effect on the audit procedures due to the complexity of the system. Changes in the setup and configuration of the system, the release strategy or creating new processes may result in new modules and/or functionality in SAP and as such, additional risks need to be considered.

For example, a client may consider retiring one of its legacy purchasing systems and moving this functionality onto SAP. In the past, key controls over purchase order approval may have been performed manually. But with the SAP implementation the client has considered automating the approval process in SAP. The setup of the automated workflow process and user access security is therefore important to ensure that adequate controls are maintained to mitigate the risks. This would involve testing automated controls instead of the manual controls over purchase order.

Segregation and sensitivity
For an effective audit, the auditor needs to gain a good understanding of the design of SAP's authorisation concept (security design). In some instances, poor security design results in users being inadvertently granted access to unnecessary or unauthorised transactions. Therefore the review of the design and implementation of SAP security and access controls is important to ensure proper segregation of duties is maintained and access to sensitive transactions is well-controlled.

Segregation of duty conflicts can arise when a user is given access to two or more conflicting transactions - for example, creating a purchase order and amending vendor master details. A clear mapping of the business processes and identification of roles and responsibilities involved in the processes is crucial in the design of access controls to effectively audit security.

In addition, there may be transactions or access levels that are considered sensitive to the business, such as amending G/L codes and structures, amending recurring entries or amending and deleting audit logs. In an SAP audit such sensitive transactions would need to be considered during the planning phase.

Control selection
Organisations can tailor the SAP system to fit their business needs including a selection of configurable and inherent controls. Understanding the selection process behind these controls is critical to the audit approach. Allowing purchase orders, for example, to be approved automatically through the system is considered a configurable automated control.

However, the client may also choose not to implement this functionality and address this risk through a manual control. Auditors need to understand the controls the client has chosen to implement and the matrix of controls that they place reliance on to mitigate one or more risks.

Types of Controls
In SAP there are four types of controls that an audit client can utilise in order to create a secure environment: inherent controls, configurable controls, application security, and manual reviews of SAP reports.

Typically access or configurable controls are executed by the SAP system and are preventive in nature. On the other hand, manual controls including manual reviews of reports are executed by an employee and are mainly detective in nature. For example, in the procure-to-pay (P2P) process of SAP, there are standard automated controls such as three-way matching (matching of purchase orders, goods receipt and invoices). The client may choose to adopt four-way matching, or two-way matching of invoices, therefore requiring customisation to suit their specific processes.

Each client will use a different mix of controls in order to achieve their specific control objectives, and because of the complexity of SAP application, auditing around the system to gain control assurance is not an option. Therefore the audit approach needs to be tailored for each situation appropriately. It is also important to highlight that SAP delivers several controls that are inherent within the SAP environment. An example of an inherent control is that journal entries must balance prior to posting in SAP.

Configurable controls
In SAP it is important to understand the link between configurable controls and access controls. In order to achieve the control objective there may be a mix of configurable and access controls that create a control solution. For example, "Purchase orders over £1m get blocked automatically and cannot be processed." This sounds like a configurable control, but is actually both a configurable control and an access control, as it deals with the configuration of the Purchasing Release Strategy within SAP and deals with who has access to create and approve a PO.

Another example is "Purchase Orders over US$1m must be approved by the manager." This sounds like an access control, but it is a configurable control as well due to the configuration needed for the release strategy. In fact, these are complimentary controls, two controls covering the same risk together. Without one control, the other cannot cover the risk to the same precision. The auditor should test both the configuration and access aspects of these controls, so it is important that they are identified by the auditor and classified appropriately.

Process risks
SAP is a process based ERP system and each SAP instance may have different risks associated with it. The ability to customise and tailor the system, and its inherent complexity, significantly increases the overall complexity of security configurations and leads to potential security vulnerabilities. Segregation of duty conflicts, errors and flaws therefore become more likely.

Each client has different business processes, products and services, and systems that suit their environment. Designing the process effectively in SAP is important to mitigate the risks associated with inadequate or failed business processes. An effective audit approach should therefore include an evaluation of risks and an understanding of the business process mapping for each SAP instance.

Rotation plan
Given that the system is highly customisable, process driven and enables a range of control selections, each SAP instance would potentially have a different risk profile. Further within SAP, the risk profile of different modules and sub-modules such as financials (FI), materials management (MM), sales and distribution (SD), payroll, human capital (HC), business information warehouse (BW), customer relationship management (CRM) and so on will be different.

The vast areas of the business operations that SAP application cover would make it impractical to cover them all in one single audit. To complete a comprehensive audit of SAP, it is appropriate to consider a rotation plan. This may involve planning reviews of each SAP business process, module, sub-module; system configuration and change management; and system security, including the design of segregation of duties and access levels. This ensures that the audits are performed using appropriately skilled resources and cover each risk area including business process, security and associated controls. These areas can therefore be assessed effectively to identify gaps in control weaknesses and recommend appropriate steps to resolve issues.

Risk-based Approach
In addition to the above challenges, SAP systems are also upgraded and enhanced periodically to meet ever-changing business requirements. In the current economic climate, companies are faced with changing risks in the environment that affect their business processes.

The aim of a risk-based approach is to allow auditors to tailor the review to the areas of business risk, giving way to greater focus on audit areas with a high-risk potential. The complexity of the SAP system and related business processes, as indicated above, may lend itself to higher inherent risk and control risk which should be taken into account in planning the audit.

The risk-based approach should include general risk analysis, analytical audit procedures, systems and process based fieldwork, and substantive testing. In this way, an auditor can conduct the audit efficiently with a degree of reliability, as well as optimising the time and effort it involves. It is therefore crucial that a top-down risk based audit approach is adopted to effectively review SAP.

Looking for SAP B1 HANA Singapore, call Alenu IT Now! at (65) 6884 5030.

A PR article by Dougles Chan - Search Engine Guru - The best SEO company in Singapore and globally. Contact Dougles Chan @ +(65) 9388 0851 or email to dc@dougleschan.com for more information on how to make your website to be the top in Google.

How Can Business Benefit From SAP Data Encryption?

SAP data encryption is used to encrypt information so that unauthorized users cannot make sense of it. When data is encrypted, only authorized users can access it. Anyone else is shut out completely. The technology behind information security is complex, but for end users, its use is relatively simple. Encrypting data can be beneficial to companies in several important ways.

 Below are a few of the most important business benefits of SAP data encryption:

1. Secure confidential data - Data encryption can be used to ensure that sensitive or legally protected information such as Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, and protected health information remain secure and confidential. Once encrypted, authorized users can access and interact with the information as they normally do (after entering their password or using a biometric device to authenticate them). Meanwhile, unauthorized users are unable to decode the data.

2. Comply with regulations - SAP data encryption can help ensure that your organization complies with any applicable regulations that require protecting or encrypting sensitive information.

3. Secure the data itself rather than the device - With data encryption, the data itself is secured rather than the device. This doesn't mean you should abandon other security measures but it does mean that should those measures fail, the information will remain protected.

4. Peace of mind - Knowing that your most sensitive information is protected brings peace of mind. For example, if you have a laptop that contains sensitive information and that laptop gets lost or stolen, you can rest assured that the data is locked up despite the loss. The same is true when it comes time to dispose of a hard disk.

Did you know that hard disks that have been reformatted still have data on them? This information can be recovered by data thieves using data recovery software. While reformatting a disk is a deterrent, it's not foolproof measure. With data encryption, it doesn't matter if a thief uses data recovery software to recover encrypted files because those files will be meaningless thanks to the encryption process.

5. Reputation management - SAP data encryption can protect your business's reputation by preventing accidental disclosures of data. For example, companies that have had laptops containing sensitive information stolen have faced unfavorable press.

6. Data-specific encryption - SAP data encryption can also be used to encrypt specific data. For example, some data may be more sensitive than other data. You can fine-tune SAP information encryption processes to ensure that your most sensitive business and client information is encrypted. Whether you need to encrypt the entire database or files generated by specific departments, SAP data encryption makes it possible.

These are but a few of the many benefits of SAP information security for businesses. If you're concerned about data theft, snoops, hackers, or regulatory compliance, SAP information security is an absolute must. Encrypting your information can bring peace of mind and enhanced security while also protecting your company from embarrassing exposures and helping it to comply with security and privacy regulations.

Seeking for SAP B1 HANA Singapore, reach us Alenu Now! at (65) 6884 5030.

An SAP marketing article by Dougles Chan - Search Engine Guru - The best SEO company in Singapore and globally. Contact Dougles Chan @ +(65) 9388 0851 or email to dc@dougleschan.com for more information on how to make your website to be the top in Google.

Friday, 29 May 2015

Conduct An ERP Vendor Comparison To Insure A Good Implementation

The implementation of the right ERP needs proper ERP comparison. It is important to know the reason of implementing the ERP software along with the proper selection of the software. You must be aware of the objectives of the software selection and the suitability of the chosen one into your business.

It is better to appoint a team to select the suitable ERP software for your firm. The ERP system should be simple because its implementation needs to change the mindsets across the board. An excellent team of project management is needed for the implementation of the ERP system.

ERP systems are finance and accounting based so it will be required to update your financial systems before implementation of the system. There are a lot of advantages of the ERP system but you should select the software based on the business plans and individual needs. You will have to teach about the system chosen at every stage of the organization. The feasibility of the system depends upon the acceptance of the system by all. The team should be able to convince all the employees about the advantages of the ERP system to be implemented.

While selecting ERP software do not judge from what a vendor has to say but analyse the needs of your firm to choose one. The ERP system has a lot of benefits provided you choose the right one by ERP comparison and implement the selected one step by step. The team you choose for ERP comparison study should be from different parts of your business so that it covers each and every aspect of the system and analyses according to the need of the firm.

Sourcing for SAP B1 HANA Singapore, contact Alenu Group Now! at (65) 6884 5030.

An SAP marketing article by Dougles Chan - Search Engine Guru - The best SEO company in Singapore and globally. Contact Dougles Chan @ +(65) 9388 0851 or email to dc@dougleschan.com for more information on how to make your website to be the top in Google.

Using SAP to Automate The Accounting Function

While ERP software is generally thought of as an enterprise wide application, one overlooked use of this type of software is to provide a specific solution for a specific business function. In this article I will explain how SAP software (which is usually implemented enterprise wide) can be used to automate your company's accounting function.

Over the years Accounting has become more sophisticated. It's no longer a question of 'debit the receiver and credit giver'. This increase in complexity is reflected in the difficulty many companies have in automating their Accounting function. Fortunately, software packages such as SAP can assist.
For starters, SAP's intelligent user interface (UI) provides for rapid and error-free data entry.

 Unlike many other accounting programs where even a simple task of data entry requires multiple key and mouse movements, the SAP User Interface relies on special shortcuts to help you keep your hands on the keyboard at all times. This assists in easier and therefore quicker data entry.

SAP also offers comprehensive inventory controls. This module helps the users manage the location and quantity of goods stored. The capabilities are not just simple record-keeping, but can be used at a component level to assist manufacturers.

 For example, inventory parts can be grouped into categories which can then be nested. Purchase Orders can then be applied at any level within the category nest. Similarly, setting prices for items can be set at such levels and can also be discounted in many different ways. These items of them reported using SAP's Accounting modules.

Finally, SAP can effectively manage the sales and purchasing function. It is a simple matter to convert quotes into invoices which require payment. Profit margins can be reported at multiple levels by specific customer, specific store, or even specific salesman. In a similar manner, Purchase Orders are automatically converted to vendor invoices which are then forwarded to the Accounts Payable module. SAP provides for payment in many different ways including Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) all the standard check.

So, as you can see the enterprise-wide nature of SAP, provides a useful solution to automating a company's accounting function.

Seeking for SAP B1 HANA Singapore, reach us Alenu IT Today! at (65) 6884 5030.

An article by Dougles Chan - Search Engine Guru - The best SEO company in Singapore and globally. Contact Dougles Chan @ +(65) 9388 0851 or email to dc@dougleschan.com for more information on how to make your website to be the top in Google.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

A Review of the Network Marketing Software Suite by Panoramic UniversalLimited

IT Systems India is now known as Panoramic Universal Ltd. It is now one of the fastest growing technology companies in India; with more than a hundred centers across the country. The company have also made some inroads into the software education market, they have centers throughout India and have now ventured into the New Zealand market. Its software package along with its expertise in e business and IT training is rapidly gaining Panoramic Universal an international presence.

Panoramic Universal have developed a suite of network marketing software which offers integrated solutions to those who use it. This great software will help you to earn more revenue; it provides faster generation and accuracy of commission which will help to increase the loyalty of your customers - a necessity if your business is going to keep on growing.

This network marketing software is something that every corporate business would want as it has all that any business will need from a multilevel marketing application. The main purpose of this network marketing software is to streamline your business efforts in a matter of days through an evolving system which provides rapid deployment and the efficient capture of automatic data. This gives users a complete picture of what is going on across their company; an invaluable tool when members may be scattered across national boundaries.

When getting software designed, some good features to ask for would be:
Genealogy Tracking

Customer Tracking


Stock Control system

Credit Card Gateway Integration

EasyPay integration

Recurring orders

Back Orders

Real-Time Reporting

Real-Time Calculations

Real-Time Courier Costing Integration

Hostess Gifting

Multi-Branch Support

Dealer Controlled Branches

Dealer Controlled Depots

Dealer Website Replication

Dealer Access to Back Office

Dealer Credit Card Facilities via Mobile Phone WAP

User Defined Menu Structures

User Defined Security Levels and Groups

Integration with 3rd Party Gateways such as EasyPay, PayGate and NetCash

Partly Integrated with the following accounting systems: SAP and MYOB

Integration with UTI Sun Couriers and Berco Express
This is an activity based approach to multilevel marketing which generate powerful analytic results that gives the ability to calculate your revenue and produce accurate reports and cash projections as you work. Commission is calculated online each time a member adds someone under them. There are also some target driven bonuses. At the end of the year after reviews and appraisals have taken place there may be promotions

This network marketing software by Panoramic Universal is designed for businesses of eighteen levels but which can be altered to suit individual requirements. It handles commission and ranks membership collection targets; the software can also handle the occasional promotional strategies and campaigns.

Panoramic Universal network marketing software can also deal with a number of locations and branches as it has the ability to synchronize data from different sources.
The company is rapidly expanding beyond the borders of India; its software is already used by businesses around the world. If you really want to succeed in multilevel marketing; increase your revenue and your customer base with little more effort than a few touches on the keys then you it is well worth trying this network marketing software.

Seeking for SAP system, contact Alenu Group Now! at (65) 6884 5030

Does SAP's Involvement in ERP Projects Improve the Performance of TheirAlliance Partners?

In late 1997, SAP Consulting came into existence in order to assure that SAP would have a stake in the success of SAP engagements. Prior to that time, in the words of many SAP executives, the software supplier had been relegated to "wildly cheering on the sidelines". While SAP Consulting is often the prime systems integrator for engagements, their role as a sub to alliance partners has been portrayed by them as a definite boost to engagement success.

A major study of the SAP market was recently completed by Performance Monitor, an independent marketing research firm. This research includes 809 interviews with clients of the leading SAP systems integrators, including Accenture, BearingPoint, Capgemini, CSC, Deloitte, IBM, and SAP Consulting. During the course of the interview, clients provide an assessment of their systems integrators' performance during their SAP project.

In all, SAP Consulting has been included in a support role for approximately three out of four SAP projects conducted by their leading alliance partners included in this research. Contrary to SAP claims that their involvement in alliance partner projects is a plus, we find that as recently as 2004, the reverse was true. While SAP showed improvement in 2005, there was not much difference in the performance of alliance partners when SAP was involved and when they were not.

In 2006, however, alliance partners saw an increase in the quality of their delivery when SAP Consulting was included as part of the delivery team. So what has changed over the last few years that has caused this improvement? SAP Consulting's performance as a provider has been increasing as well. They have been performing at above industry average rates for the last two years.

SAP Consulting's performance has improved compared to the group average over a three year span. The results from the leading seven providers are separated by just over half a point, meaning that SAP Consulting's year over year improvements are meaningful.

Clients still need to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of including another partner in the mix for the SAP systems integration project. Adding another partner creates additional management on the part of the project team, but it can create additional value, as well as a more direct conduit to the SAP organization, when effectively managed. This data reveals an increasing trend that including SAP Consulting as a delivery partner with one of their alliance partners can improve overall project performance.

Sourcing for Singapore SAP B1 HANA, contact Alenu Now! at (65) 6884 5030.

An SAP marketing article by Dougles Chan - Search Engine Guru - Best SEO companies in Singapore and globally. Contact Dougles Chan @ +(65) 9388 0851 or email to dc@dougleschan.com for more information on how to make your website to be the top in Google.

Information on Microsoft, SAP and Infor ERP Software

Microsoft, SAP and Infor are the leader in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). The software revolution ushered in an era of data centralization and seamless flow of integrated information within the organizations. Today, from small, medium to big companies belonging to diverse fields use enterprise software to efficiently and cost effectively manage their information and business processes in lesser time. An array of ERP software is available in the market but before choosing any of those you must know which would be the best and easiest for you to install and operate. You will be in a better position to find out which ERP would fulfill all your needs if have clearly defined your requirements beforehand. Lastly, you must analyze what extra benefits the new ERP would give you over your existing management system.

1. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 is the best ERP software for mid-sized and larger companies. It is an effective business management tool that works by consistently and drastically improving the productivity of a company. Especially, Microsoft fans would love using it as they would be able to manage it with ease. It has a user-friendly interface that allows accurate and reliable decision making. By flawlessly connecting employees, customers and partners, its synchronization tools effectively help in information sharing and business planning.

2. SAP R/3
SAP R/3 was developed and introduced in the ERP industry by SAP AG. It is also known by the name of SAP ERP. This integrated enterprise resource planning system can be successfully implemented in midsize and large organizations. Its collaboration tools helps in linking the internal and external public in a better way. Its unique features and tools helps a company stand out in global marketplace as it can support important business operations without any hassles. It helps in safety management by letting the teams study changing market and industry trends and warning the company about possible risks. It offers a secure platform for other products of the company to function upon.

3. SAP Business One
SAP Business One successfully connects accounting, inventory control and human resource within an organization. It is tailored to meet the specific software needs of both small and medium sized enterprises. Its 15 core module structure includes every important module from Administration to e-commerce.

4. Infor ERP XA
Advanced ERP software Infor XA has been developed to fulfill the unique requirements of distinct manufacturers only. It is an IBM System i-based solution. The latest version has prominent features like upgraded inventory management processes and mixed-mode processes that include repetitive, engineer-to-order, configure-to-order, manufacture-to-order and assemble-to-order. Most importantly, it also contributes to high system speed offering enhanced service and quick maintenance procedures to the company professionals.

Sourcing for SAP B1 HANA Singapore, reach us Alenu Now! at (65) 6884 5030.

An SAP marketing article by Dougles Chan - Search Engine Guru - The best SEO company in Singapore and globally. Contact Dougles Chan @ +(65) 9388 0851 or email to dc@dougleschan.com for more information on how to make your website to be the top in Google.

Choosing a CRM Solution

The internet has thousands of sites with guides and tips on what to consider when choosing a CRM solution. This article attempts to be unbiased towards the different areas that you need to consider before making the right decision.
Every business is different and when considering a CRM or customer database solution I recommend evaluating the following in order to make your decision.
Below is a list of questions with their pros and cons giving the newbie a better idea about choosing a CRM solution successfully.

The first and the most important aspect would be what type of business is your business?
What type of business is your business?

This is the first question any CRM consultant should ask.

Does your business sell products or services?

Does your business sell via a shop front, telesales, sales reps or a combination?

Where does your business leads come from; phone, fax, email, web or walk in?

What is the length of your sales cycle?

The above is just a short list of questions that need to be considered when looking at a CRM or customer database solution. There are too many systems out there that focus on sales reporting meaning that the poor sales person spends numerous hours feeding data into a system purely for sales reports. Sales people should be selling not data entering!
Once you understand the type of business that requires the CRM solution then you need to look at the main characteristics of the available CRM Solutions. The following is a brief list of the main high level characteristics that you need to consider.
Web based or On-site?
Web based CRM is also known as hosted CRM and is a new form of cost effective CRM delivery. These systems usually have poor user interface and are proprietary systems. It is very difficult and expensive to have custom development on web based CRM. On-site CRM is also know as windows based CRM, which through the introduction of .net it has become easier and less expensive to provide a much richer user interface with numerous features slowly doing away with numerous disparate systems. (1 system for all front-end which is the future of CRM i.e. 3rd Generation CRM)
The following are the Pros and cons to Web based CRM.


o Easy to set-up

o No server required

o Usually cheaper

o Low in-house maintenance

o Easier to deploy updates and fix's

o Data is off site (Need Security Guarantees, Redundancy etc.)

o Competitors can have same capabilities

o Limited business automation tools

o Totally dependent on service provider and internet connectivity

o Expensive to interface into existing or new systems, Messaging, Product and Accounts ( 1 system for all)

o You don't own the database you lease it

o Biggest problem - you house your most important asset under someone else's responsibility making it impossible to simplify all companies IT systems.
To summarise web based CRM is easier for the CRM vendor not the CRM user. Find the correct CRM vendor make them understand your issues, concerns and requirements and make sure they deliver a solution specific for your business.
The main reason to buy CRM?
A lot of people buy a CRM solution because they know another business that successfully uses one or they just simply need a customer database. It is important to note that all CRM solutions are different especially when we consider interoperability with your existing and future systems.

The main reasons to buy a CRM solution should be to save you thousands on staff resources, hardware, software, integration and maintenance.
Having worked with numerous CRM application providers such as SAP, Siebel and Teradata my advice is to tread carefully:
o Don't be lured by the endless list of features. Most business only use a small percentage of these features.

o Make sure the CRM or customer data base provider focuses on your business not their software.

o Keep in mind that sales people want systems that simplify their job not make it harder. Hence focus on business automation not sales reporting. (The system should give back more time to the sales person so he or she can focus on sales not data entry)

o Identify upfront the Total cost of Purchasing, Integration, Maintenance and Ownership. Be careful to ensure that you can have all your main sales systems integrated into 1 system and find out that cost. (Eliminate the need for costly integration and multiple silos of data)

o Make sure the system can be customised by non IT literate people and the provider has the ability of providing simple cost effective customisation. Every business is different thus some require basic customisation.

o Make sure the system is simple to use has a great and familiar user interface and built upon robust future proof platforms.

CRM mistakes can be costly. Make sure the CRM provider it's all about your business and the CRM Solution is all about your customers.
More Details about Choosing a CRM Solution here.

Sourcing for SAP Singapore, contact Alenu Now! at (65) 6884 5030

Microsoft Dynamics GP Implementation: Pacific and Hawaii - Overview forIT

Microsoft Dynamics GP is new name for Microsoft Great Plains. As Project Green is progressing, Microsoft Business Solutions or whatever is temporary name for Business Systems subdivision, renamed Project Green into Microsoft Dynamics.

 Now Microsoft Great Plains, Microsoft Navision, Microsoft Axapta, Microsoft Solomon and Microsoft CRM are renamed into Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics SL and Microsoft Dynamics CRM respectively. We have published articles, devoted to Microsoft Dynamics in Europe, Brazil, Russia, Australia and New Zealand and now we would like to share our experience and analytics on Microsoft Dynamics GP & CRM implementation, customization, reporting for the clientele in Pacific region.

o Great Plains History. Regarding Pacific region Great Plains Software had plans and expansion campaign back in 1990th and even 1980th. Our client in Republic of Palau had ancient Great Plains Accounting implemented. The support was initially provided by D&T, but when Microsoft acquired

Great Plains Software D&T had to abandon Great Plains implementation & support practice - we saw the examples in Pacific as well as in Bermuda. Later on Microsoft realized that Great Plains Dexterity has certain limitations, especially when we are talking about tax engine and languages localization - it doesn't support Unicode and Dexterity design was done back in 1992-1994, as a result it is not object oriented product

o American English & US$. This is official business language in most of the countries in Pacific. Plus taxation is aligned with American legislation in majority of the cases. Substantial strata of countries use US Dollar as official currency. All these facts facilitate Microsoft Dynamics GP/Great Plains as efficient ERP/MRP/Accounting solution

o Remote Support. Comparing to US Business Metros, such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco or Houston, where clients "require" face-to-face meetings and local support - in the Pacific it is really impossible to host local consultant on the island where only one or two small clients are located. Plus - serving from the USA is kind of time anti phase and probably too expensive.

The best servicing location is Philippines, where Great Plains Software had its third party Project Accounting ISV partner - Match Data, as the result a large pool of Philippines based Microsoft Dynamics GP consultants and Microsoft Dexterity developers is available

o Software Sales. With an exception of Hawaii - the rest of pacific rim should be sold from Microsoft Business Solutions in Singapore. This fact places restrictions on the ability of US based Microsoft Business Solutions VARs/Partners to serve remote clientele in the region

o Legacy Products. The life in the Pacific Rim countries is kind of traditional and comfortable. This means that there is no need to replace good and working computer ERP systems with the hectic technology progress. The examples could be - the commitment to IBM Lotus Notes Domino, Pervasive SQL/ Btrive/Ctree/IBM Unidata/Ingress platforms. Microsoft .Net Business Portal might be integration solution together with Sharepoint, but legacy system required multiple connectors to enable lookup and integration

o Oracle/SAP. Contrary to Microsoft Oracle and SAP have long presence history in the Pacific Rim market. Oracle Financials or SAP R/3 mySAP / SAP Business One

o eCommerce - is actual for the clients from Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Microsoft eOrder will be phased out with GP version 9.0. You should be ready to invest some development money into eConnect-based redesign. In some cases, such as Great Plains SOP allocation and posting you will have to rescue to Great Plains stored procedures.

Looking for SAP Singapore, call Alenu IT Today! at (65) 6884 5030

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

SAP Interview Tips and Tricks

Technical Round
Technical interviews are mostly held by the tech leads, although project managers are part of the interview sometimes. When I mean technical, it could be for an SAP functional position, ABAP, Basis or other technical positions. Not all types of interviews have all of the following phases. For eg., a full time position or a contract-to-hire will involve more general questions, his/her project/achievement related questions activities etc while a contract position will involve more focussed questions on the module/specifics for which he is recruited for.1.

1. Warm Up
This is just immediately following the initial meet-and-greet and offers for coffee. You will be asked questions mostly on your project history. This phase is to just assess your areas of strength. Do not panic if you are asked questions that are much unrelated to what you might have done in the past or come out-of-the-blue in terms of technology. The interviewer is just doing an initial assessment on where your strengths are and how you might fit the requirements. Sometimes your resume might not be touched either just yet.

You will be explained the project scenario, what their short term and long term goals are. Once again the idea is to let you know about the back ground and to prepare you in general on the spate of questions that are going to come your way. Most of the time the people interviewing you would be either a technical lead or the project manager or both. If you are interviewing with a consulting company, sometimes managers from the client side would be present as well. For non-native English speakers, talk slowly and clearly. The process of interview almost always leads to speeding up your words. This needs to be cautiously and consciously avoided.


  • Come early to the interview site or to the conference call (if it is a telephonic interview). Try to follow the generic directions and smile a lot. Try to go to the rest room (interviews can last for an hour followed by another round with you sipping coffee/water in between ) required before the interview so that you can concentrate well in the interview without interruptions.

  • Project your actual strengths

  • Have a positive attitude and be very confident even if you are not 100% sure of the technicalities involved.

  • Ask specific questions regarding the project/company that you are sure will project your knowledge in a positive light.

  • Talk slowly and clearly

  • After meeting your contact/interviewer outside, do not be on the phone with somebody else at any point before the actual interview has begun.

  • Do not project fake skills in this phase and get into trouble. They might not need them.

  • Do not try to steer the interviewer in the direction you want the interview to go just yet.

  • Do not loose confidence even though you hear or are asked questions on terms that you might not have heard of.

  • Do not get into an argument when asking questions or answering them. Just nod or say "I see" and smile when you find things that are wrong with the project being discussed.

Sample Questions
1. How do you rate yourself in XXX ( An area of an SAP module, sap SAP Pricing)? 2. Have you worked on XXX (An area of an SAP module) or YYY ( A specific business scenario, say data migration of live Purchase Orders )? 3. Give a brief about your experience? ( First and most asked question )

2. Technical Questions
This is the toughest round and what you have been preparing for all along. This round can last pretty long and if you are interviewing for a big company this phase could be done with multiple teams for multiple hours. Normally you will not be asked to come in for a technical round the next day, but during the same day, there could be one round with team A and another round with team B. 80% of the time the focus would be on your resume and the achievements you mention in your resume.

The questions would not go much beyond the first and second project unless they find something interesting or something they could relate to in your 5th or 6th project. Also the type of technical questions would depend on if you are applying for a Jr., Mid-level or Sr Consultant position.

1. Prepare your resume well. You are what your resume is. If you can mirror your resume in the interview you are all set. That exactly what the interviewer is looking for. Resume preparation is an art in itself. Spend considerable amount of time tweaking it

2. Prepare your resume for the job. This applies mostly to contract jobs. This might actually sound bad but works out well. Do not present the same resume for all the jobs. Modify it to suit the requirements of the job.You do not have to go over-board with it. See if a couple of modifications here and there might increase your chances.

For example, if the job requires that you know "SAP Credit Management" and if you have done credit management (although not your strength) try to expand on it. Try to do some reading if required or brush up your skills on the system. If possible try to dig out your old documents or notes that you might have. This kind of flexibility on your part can go a pretty long way in getting you the right job.

3. How to project yourself -
a. If you are applying for a Jr. Level position, project yourself as a eager enthusiastic and quick learner. Show your aptitude along with your SAP knowledge. They already know that you do not have much skill - They are just looking for somebody who is willing to learn and be flexible enough.

b. If you are applying for a mid-level SAP consultant position, project yourself as a go-to guy for specifics. You are required to solve specific problems. Your technical experience is what is being sought after. Specialization is the key.

c. If you are applying for a Sr. Level position, show your broad exposure and tell them about project experiences, methodologies, (Not just about specific checkboxes). Broad-based exposure is key.

The questions could vary depending on the style of the interviewer.

Style 1 - Based on your Resume - This is how most of the interviews take place. Since you would have already sent your resume to the team there (they have pre-screened you and said YES for an interview ),they already know that you have the skills required for the job. So its mostly a matter of convincing them that you really have it in you. If you have prepared your resume well, this interview style will really fetch you.

Style 2 - Based on current Project Situation - Some people concentrate on their current project requirements or what they have been doing for the past 1 year. These are actually the toughest questions to answer. It is actually a very bad interviewing style but you just have to take it in stride. These people are the hardest to impress. But remember, everybody who has come to the interview will face the same challenge as you do. It happens very rarely that the candidate being interviewed is very well versed with the specific topics that the interviewer is asking questions on (without referring to your resume.

Style 3 - Management style Technical questions - Sometimes project managers ask technical questions. This could be a tough call. You would have to base your answers by first judging the type of questions that he is asking. Some project managers come from a technical background and ask very relevant technical questions that test specific skills as well as overall understanding. These people cannot be fooled easily and if you have the right skills, these interviews are easy (the key to impress them easily is to explain specific project related incidents and how you have handled them, both from a project management perspective and technical perspective.

These folks look mostly for a go-getter attitude). Some project managers come from non-technical background and still do the technical interview. They ask questions that are mostly related to administration (Landscapes, transports), current business scenarios and QA. All they look for is your over all confidence. You just have to say "YES I KNOW" (in other words, sound knowledgeable even on things you might not know) to all their questions because they do not know the answers themselves.

  • Concentrate 60% your technical preparation on the first and 20% on your second project.

  • Prepare your resume well and prepare well for it.

  • Be aware of every line of the first 2 pages of your resume.

  • Explain specific instances where you have faced or solved problems.

  • In your project summary try to list specific customization scenarios. Do not just list standard customization scenarios too much.

  • Try not to say "I don't remember" atleast to questions in the first project.

  • Do not ever talk too much about standard functionality. This gives them an impression that you are a trainee and have not done much customization.

Sample Questions

1. Technical questions in the subject area of expertise ( Functional/ Technical/Administration/ PM ).

2. How do you solve this scenario? ( They will give you a specific scenario and ask for your approach to solve the problem) 3. Specific customizaion examples (How to set seasonality in credit limit or how to enable line-item level view in G/L master etc)

Management Questions

This phase should actually be a breeze. The key is to understand that the interviewer in this phase WANTS to take you in. It's yours to loose. This phase could be done by any of the following group of people,

  • Project managers/ Program managers

  • Project sponsors

  • Steering Committee

  • User Community

  • Clients ( In case you are interviewing for a consulting company )

This interview could happen the same day or the next. This phase might or might not happen for contract jobs and even if it happens is more of a formality. But for full time employment, a management round is almost mandatory. This round as you might have guessed it just a matter of showing your soft skills. If you take out all the fluff, it boils down to the following.

1. Do your medium/long-term goals align with what the team/manager/company envisions for a person in that role?

2. Do you have what it takes to work with a team/Users? 3. Are you accomodative?

HR Round
This round applies only to Full-time employees ( Since the contracing company takes care of the contractor's background). The HR primarily plays 2 roles here.

Investigator - employer history, background verification, criminal history verification etc. Bargain Master - Salary negotiations, relocation allowance, bonus etc. There is a ton of information on the internet on how to face HR rounds and the caveats involved.

Seeking for Singapore SAP B1 HANA, contact Alenu IT Now! at (65) 6884 5030.

An article by Dougles Chan - Search Engine Guru - The best SEO company in Singapore and globally. Contact Dougles Chan @ +(65) 9388 0851 or email to dc@dougleschan.com for more information on how to make your website to be the top in Google.

Oracle E-Business Suite: XML Publisher - Overview for Consultant

Oracle Reports, Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle Applications, Oracle XML Publisher
In 2004, Oracle has delivered a new tool for developing reports on Oracle Applications. It was named Oracle XML Publisher and it is available within the technology stack of the E-Business suite (sometimes also called Oracle Financials).

Most of the companies that utilize Oracle Applications as its ERP system have a long backlog list of reports to be constructed. Oracle has delivered this tool for helping organizations on this issue. Using this tool, users can create a template of the reports layouts using a set of familiar desktop tools such as MS Word and Adobe Acrobat or instead of creating, a user can just enter a template, such as a Government PDF form.

The data is still handled by the E-Business suite, but now users can design and control how the report outputs will be presented using a familiar desktop application.

The classic approach to create reports was to combine 3 components: Data Logic, Layout and Translation in a single file what makes it very inflexible. Even a simple change on the layout of a report, a new report file has to be generated with all components. With this new product, just a minor change on template file is necessary. The picture below shows how the three components are treated separated by the XML Publisher at the design time, and at runtime they are brought back together by XML Publisher to generate the final formatted output.

XML Publisher allows user to choose the output format of the report. The most common formats are PDF, RTF, HTML, Excel, XML, EDI and EFT. This tool also has a delivery service where users can choose what they want to do with the report. Using this service, it is possible to send the output directly to an email address, to a printer, to a fax or to a WebDAV server.

This is a powerful tool for building reports; the only thing that I am wondering is how it fits in with Oracle´s existing tool for reporting. Is it going to substitute Oracle Reports? In the statement of directions Oracle doesn't says that, so probably we will have to wait a little bit more to have this answer, probably from the market.

Give us a call 1-866-528-0577 or help@albaspectrum.com if you need additional information or directions.

Looking for Singapore SAP B1 HANA, reach us Alenu Now! at (65) 6884 5030.

A PR article by Dougles Chan - Search Engine Guru - The best SEO company in Singapore and globally. Contact Dougles Chan @ +(65) 9388 0851 or email to dc@dougleschan.com for more information on how to make your website to be the top in Google.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

ERP Brazil: Microsoft Dynamics NAV, AX, CRM Localized Family

When your company plans to outsource its manufacturing operations to such countries as Brazil, the ERP system for the overseas subsidiary is one of the first decisions to make. In this small article we will concentrate on functional side of the Microsoft Dynamics ERPs, such as Microsoft Navision, Microsoft Axapta and Microsoft CRM and we will not touch background technologies (Microsoft .Net vs. EJB/Java discussions)

o Localization. It usually has two components: language translation (in the case of Brazil it is Brazilian Portuguese) and sales, purchasing taxes and government regulation/reporting. In the case of Brazil we usually talk about these taxes & regulations: CNAE, CPF, IE, IEST, IM.

o Local versus International MRP brand. This is usually the question beyond the functionality of the ERP - you need to decide for yourself if you would like advanced localization features (usually provided by local made ERP - Microsiga or Datasul to name two) or you want more control over your overseas operations from headquarters - this will probably be international ERP brand, one of them we are evaluating here - Microsoft Dynamics family (former name was Microsoft Business Solutions)

o Navision/Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Around 2004 Microsoft Business Solutions tried to unify its international ERP offer. As the result, in many countries, including Brazil, East Europe, Russia and others Navision kind of pushed out of the market another MBS ERP - Microsoft Great Plains (currently Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 - Brazilian version is not available, however you can get local support from Alba Spectrum). There were multiple reasons, including technical feasibility, they are beyond the scope of this article.

 Navision is localized and has several years of successful implementation in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, Belo Horizonte, Salvador and across Brazil. One of the strong points of Navision is Manufacturing module. We see strong demand for Navision ERP implementation from multinational corporations with headquarters in Europe, especially continental: Germany, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal.

o Axapta/Microsoft Dynamics AX. This is relatively new ERP - its design was completed in the very end of XX century, Navision Software bought Axapta prior to be purchased by Microsoft Business Solutions itself. Brazilian localization of Axapta is now complete and it will be released in the first quarter of 2006. In Brazil Microsoft has experiment with Axapta pricing and it is now targeted to compete with Microsiga and Datasul from one side and with SAP Business One from another side. Axapta implementation cycle is longer than for SAP BO, however Axapta is more flexible in its ability to automate upper midsize and large scale business.

o Microsoft CRM/Dynamics CRM. Now we are in the process of upgrade from MS CRM 1.2 to its 3.0 version. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 will be more flexible to automate franchisee networks and nation-wide servicing organizations. The question of selection is more simple - if you are committed to Microsoft platform - you should know that Microsoft CRM is promoted Worldwide. Here we have to say some words about technical side of Microsoft CRM, especially considering some challenges of MS CRM upgrade - it heavily uses .Net platform, XML web services and requires strong server side programming, if you need Microsoft CRM customization and custom pieces upgrade (Microsoft CRM SDK 3.0 is a bit different from MS CRM SDK 1.2). 

Sourcing for SAP system, call Alenu Group Now! at (65) 6884 5030

CRM a Strategy For Today's Environment

CRM, or customer relationship management, is a broadly recognized and widely implemented strategy for managing and nurturing a company's interactions with customers, clients, and new prospects. In this generation of automation, CRM involves the use of technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business relationships, and principal sales activities, as well as aiding in customer service and technical support. Customer relationship management is another form of database marketing and has become a business strategy that embraces all client-facing departments.

When a CRM system like Act, Salesforce.com or a SAP database is implemented, processes and technology work in synergy to increase profitability and reduce operational costs. A well designed dashboard will allow the marketer or business owner to see the number of touch-points that have been used to communicate with a client or customer. One can also see what purchases have been made and the frequency of those purchases for better cross-selling and up-selling. A savvy business person can also use the information to improve service, loyalty, and customer retention.

The technical name for these software programs are software-as-a-service (SaaS) as they used to deliver and integrate solutions that enable organizations to better and more efficiently serve, support, engage, target, and retain customers in today's economic environment. I like these systems as they are portal based and can be brought up anywhere that there is Internet access. The nice thing about having a portal based system is that it allows anyone in the organization to see the information at any time of day if they have the required passwords and Internet access.

Organizations use CRM systems as a way to measure the efficiency of theirsales force by studying the reports that can be generated; they can also look what types of clients and customers are being called upon as well as the account manager's or sales person's notes about the client.

I personally have used Access, Act, and Salesforce.com for a variety of purposes including:
· Determining the purchasing habits of my customers and clients

· Market Segmentation

· Use of Touch Points-i.e., email correspondence, eNewsletter, phone calls, face to face visits, etc.

· Cold Calling

· Sales Reports

· Building a database

I have found that I am better able to nurture interactions with customers, clients, and new prospects based on the knowledge that I am able to gain by creating a relationship based database. Because it is the integrated combination of the value that one receives from a sales person or a retailer that causes one to become a client or customer. In today's environment where companies are fighting for a piece of the pie it has been increasingly important for an organization to activate a forward thinking customer relationship management system and plan.

Seeking for SAP Singapore, call Alenu Group Now! at (65) 6884 5030

Importance of SAP R-3 Solutions

SAP Company was founded by five former IBM employees- Dietmar Hopp, Hans Werner Hector, Hasso Plattner, Klaus Tschira and Claus Wellenreuther. It was founded in Germany in the year 1972. SAP stands for systems, applications, products in data processing. In a year's time the first financial accounting software was completed which was known as R/1 System. R stands for real-time data processing. The full name of the parent company is SAP AG. It has subsidiaries in nearly 50 countries.

SAP AG is the third largest software maker in the whole world and it has nearly 27,000 employers all over the world and over 17,500 customers. It is listed in Frankfurt stock exchange and NYSE. Sap delivers software to small and mid sized companies also. SAP solutions that are used in small and mid sized business are SAP business one, SAP business all-in-one etc. These solutions are affordable, easy to use.

SAP business one is specially designed for small concerns mostly for 10 to 100 employees. It covers the core operations to run a successful business like customer relationship management, accounting, e-commerce, reporting and warehousing and partner management. Sap products and services integrate an organization from financials to human resources to manufacturing and sales and distribution. Because of this integration the companies can optimize supply chains, strengthen customer relationships and make correct management decisions. More than 100 midsize companies implemented SAP R/3 solutions.

SAP R/3 is a software solution for client/server computing. This software can be used by a small grocer to a billion dollar companies. This software is generally designed to meet the needs of the customer. SAP R/3 can be used on several databases like oracle, Adabas D, Informix, DB2 for UNIX, DB2/400 and Microsoft SQL SERVER 6.0. SAP R/3 software is used in many industries like insurance, banking, automobiles, oil and gas, public sector, manufacturing and material, services, transportation, aerospace, defense, construction, pharmaceuticals and chemicals.

Most of the distinctive functional modules are financials and controlling (FICO), Human Resources (HR), Materials Management (MM), sales & Distribution (SD), and Production planning (PP).The most difficult part in SAP R/3 is its implementation. Atlas copco has a different implementation of SAP R/3 from Proctor & Gamble. For example if a company is running SAP and then acquires a new business where SAP is already being used.

They may elect to keep both systems separate, migrate one into the other, or migrate both onto a completely new instance. SAP has many layers. The Basis system (BC) includes the ABAP programming language, and is the base of operations and should not be visible to higher or managerial users.

The heart of the system is the application modules. SAP R/3 provides an implementation roadmap that is broken into five phases. The five phases and their tasks include project preparation, business blueprint, realization, final preparation, and roll-out. SAP R/3 is a leader in ERP installations and ERP sales. SAP R/3 is based on many hardware and software architectures which is being runner in most types of UNIX, Windows NT, and OS/400.

Sourcing for SAP Singapore, call Alenu IT Now! at (65) 6884 5030

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Legacy ERP System - When to Change?

In today's highly competitive market, manufacturing companies are continuously challenged by rising material costs, competitors and ever-evolving customer requirements. Most companies look to their ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems for cost control, flexibility, and improved information visibility into every facet of their business environment to achieve sustainable competitive advantage.
If you too are trying to achieve these goals but feeling discouraged by the level of complexity, duplication of efforts and lack of visibility into business in your ERP system, then its time to look for an alternative to your legacy ERP system.

Listed below are the alarming signs to see if your ERP system is threatening your business growth-
1. Evolution of the ERP does not follow the dynamic growth of your company
If your software vendor provides new releases only 12-24 months and new features can't be implemented as required to meet market needs, you might lose opportunities and remain ahead of the game. On top of it, generally these up-gradations are expensive and take months to complete. This can keep you lagging in the market while accommodating high maintenance cost.

2. Incomprehensible data
When it is not easy to access your data from the ERP system or it is present in 'silos', it is very difficult, if not impossible, to draw reports for inventory/manufacturing planning or analyze it for important business decisions.

3. Business Information not accessible while travelling
In today's world it is imperative to be able to do business-on-the-move. When you are traveling and out of office network, and can't stay in touch with business operations, it can adversely affect your efficiency and business agility.

4. Your trading partners can't easily connect/access information
Inter-connectivity with your vendors/suppliers and clients is the key to achieve competitive advantage. If your suppliers need to load special software to connect to your system or can't get easy access to the information they need like your orders or inventory levels, it might lead to loss of existing or potential clients. Just-in-time replenishment can sometimes be the game-changing strategy.

5. New employees finding it difficult to learn your ERP system
If you are spending huge time and money in training new employees to learn your legacy system, it's an additional expenditure and employees can get easily frustrated when instructed to learn old technology.

6. System not able to support global market
In today's global marketplace, it is not acceptable if your system can't support countries with different languages. Translating system to local language and rolling out localized financial data through spreadsheets is highly cumbersome and error-prone.

7. High Maintenance
It pays to improve your bottom line by lowering your operating and maintenance costs. If annual maintenance for your ERP system is over-budgeting your IT expenditure, it's 'the sign' for you to look for alternate solutions.

If your legacy, on-site ERP system imposes some or all issues mentioned above on your business, it's time to explore other options before you lose your market-share. It is worthwhile to explore SaaS(Software as a service) ERP systems which provide robust system without the need for expensive servers, operating systems, database software, backup equipment, and the IT specialists to manage all of that.

Some of the major advantages of such a system are:
1. It is accessible by authorized users through the Internet with a standard web browser
2. Ideal for managing multiple plants, and for linking customers, suppliers, and employees into a centralized database of real-time information no matter where they are around the world.
3. The solution easily incorporates and manages data in multiple languages, currencies, and date formats, including local tax and business mandates and other business requirements unique to a specific country.
4. No servers, software, databases, backups, or other infrastructure are required.

Seeking for SAP system, call Alenu IT Now! at (65) 6884 5030

What Is a Learning Management System (LMS)?

What is a Learning Management System?

A Learning Management System is an internet based software platform that enables people to learn anything, at any time and in any place.

This process overcomes the limitations of time, distance and resources and uses internet technology to deliver relevant and up to date training content to your audience in the most cost effective manner while still allowing people to do their jobs.

Elearning includes text, audio, video, animation, quizzes and virtual environments and is a self paced, on-demand, rich learning experience that can even surpass the level of classroom based training.

Reasons to use elearning

Save time and money
It reduces the time away from the workplace, cuts down on travel costs and reduces the need for expensive classroom-based training. It frees up trainers and expensive technical resources from boring and repetitive administration tasks and allows them to focus on more strategic issues.

Less expensive to produce
It is virtually free once you have reached the break-even point. Synchronous programs will have continued costs associated with the teacher managing the class, but it will be lower than traditional courses.

Scalable and efficient
It gives you the ability to easily create and deliver training material to support your business processes. It is based on a centralised on-line database that allows you to roll-out new material to large audiences quickly and cost-effectively.

Faster moving
Elearning courses can progress up to 50% faster than traditional courses. This is partly because learners can skip material they already know and concentrate on the issues they need training on.

On-demand and flexible
It gives learners the freedom to learn when and where they want and at their own pace. Learners in remote locations have the same access to training as if they were at head office. Smaller locations can free people up for training without impacting on day-to-day operational efficiency.

Delivers high knowledge retention
Elearning appeals to a wider range of learning styles and results in higher knowledge retention rates. Learners can focus on the subject matter that is most relevant and learn at a pace that suits them repeating any, and as much of the course as they like, when they like.

Measurable results
The software provides a central database of learners results across all courses and locations. Information can be used for feedback to client organisations, one-on-one reviews and for supporting a help desk infrastructure.

Learning management software eliminates the problems associated with different instructors teaching different material on the same subject. It delivers high levels of coverage among your target audience and ensures that the message communicated is always consistent, critical for company based training.

Easy to manage
It allows corporate training directors, HR managers and others to keep track of the course offerings, assign training to employees and track their progress and results. Managers can review a students results and identify areas for additional training.

Reduced carbon footprint
Elearning software delivers training and testing through online tutorials and quizzes providing a green alternative to paper-based forms of learning and testing.

Seeking for SAP Singapore, reach us Alenu IT Now! at (65) 6884 5030

Top 5 Basis For Choosing ERP Software Companies

Enterprise resource management or ERP has been used and offered by different ERP software companies wanting to have a view on what are going on in their organization. In an enterprise resource management, key business processes and business management were integrated and put together with information technology.

ERP system, simply put, has the ability to combine all the major key functions and information of a certain company, like finance, manufacturing and human resource areas, into one environment so that the progress of each key function can be deliberately reviewed and properly tracked. Of course a lot of companies want to use this to get an overview of their company and ERP serves as the backbone of the company.

 Finding the right ]companies should be deliberated and be well thought of.. So what should be the basis in finding the right one for you? Below are the top 5 basis that should be taken into account in choosing ERP software companies.

• ERP companies should offer a package. One should consider the ERP package presented by there ERP software companies. Most offer two types of packages, one of which is a customizable package and the other is Ready made packages. Customizable packages is helpful for a company who wanted the ERP system adjust according to their business needs while ready made ERP packages are applications that oblige the company to adjust to the type of business process offer by the package.

• ERP companies should offer fast and easy implementation. The implementation of the ERP solution offered by the ERP providers should be fast and easy. Time is gold, as the saying goes, so is for their clients who want their business always on the go. The ERP implementation should include rapid importation of the client's data to the new system being installed. The ERP software companies should also provide trainings for the employees on teaching them how to use ERP system.

• Should have their ERP system developed to blend in to the complexities of the global market. It should have design that can suit any clients need.

• It is important the ERP companies have their customer service in case a need arise. As the company grows, issues begin to rise in some ERP system such as a missing feature in the application itself or sometimes an unsupported business process that might pose a great risk to the company. ERP software companies you should choose should provide their clients will 24/7 technical support for the ERP package they offer.

• ERP companies should be legitimate to function well. Make sure that the ERP software companies on your list have the proper documentation to support their claims. You may not want your business, your time and money be ruined just because the ERP software companies you have chosen is a scam.

Looking for SAP system, reach us Alenu IT Today! at (65) 6884 5030

Why Use a Web Based Project Management System

A project can be any particular set of tasks that must be carried out in order to achieve a particular result. Projects are common to almost any type of business, or enterprise, and can involve any scope.

Since a project, a variety of tasks and activities, it can be difficult to manage and control. For this purpose, a Project Management System is often used to handle the project from start to completion. There are basically two types of project management system. One is the traditional type, which is done by hand, and an offline record of all activities is kept for management.

However today, there are so many project management software available that there is no need to go through the process by hand. Everything is computerised, all you have to do is enter the data into the system, and it helps you though the entire process.

Nowadays, many businesses are opting for web based project management system. Many project management companies have set up their websites on the internet, and are selling their systems online. All you have to do is to register on the website, and pay their fees through credit card or otherwise, and you can become a client. Once you are a client, you will have access to all the project management tools, and software.

There are many advantages of a web-based system. The best part is that a web-based system does not have to be installed, or downloaded on a particular computer, as it is online. In this way, it can be accessed from anywhere provided that you have an internet connection. You do not have to go through the entire process of installing the software on each computer in your organisation, which saves money as well as time.

Another advantage is that since it can be used from anywhere, it is a multi-user system. This means that many people can work on it from different locations at the same time, and can also interact with each other. Web based systems are perfect for businesses that have offices in multiple locations, and in different countries.

There are many aspects of your business with which, web based project-management software can help you. Whether your project is based on marketing, event management, construction, information technology, or finance, you can be sure to find a system that is perfect for your needs. One of the basic solutions that such a system offers is project scheduling.

It includes making a breakdown of all the activities in a project, their time, dependencies, and resource estimates. Web based systems offer different tools such as interactive tables, spreadsheets, Gantt Charts, or Network Diagrams, which can help you to make a proper scheduling plan. Other aspects include budget, and cost control, resource allocation, quality management, communication and documentation, each of which has different tools.

In this way, a web based project management system can help you integrate, and control all the processes, and tasks included in your project. Thus, it ensures that the project is completed on time, and is according to the specifications.

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Monday, 18 May 2015

Pandora's Box Review - Does Vin DiCarlo's System Really Work?

Vin DiCarlo's Pandora's Box program is a very popular product in the pick up and seduction field online today.

In this Pandora's Box review we will take a look at this program, learn about some of the pros and cons of it and understand better if Vin DiCarlo's product is really for you or not.
Pandora's Box Review - What Exactly Is It?
Developed by Vin DiCarlo, a famous author in the field of seduction, Pandora's Box is a complete system that combines guides and video tutorials to help men find their way into the head of the woman they want and to understand what she is thinking before they make any move.
The program is based on the idea that all women have 3 major conflicts in their life which are the time, relationship and sex conflicts.

Each one of these conflicts have two sub-categories and Vin DiCarlo believes that when you mix up all of the possible positions you will get eight specific personality types of women.
The main goal of the Pandora's Box program is to guide you through each one of the possible personality types and to teach you exactly how every one of them will likely to act so that you can get the woman you like to notice you and to fall in love with you.
To learn if Vin DiCarlo's system can really help you to get these results let's talk about some of the pros and cons of the program.
Pandora's Box Review - The Pros And Cons
The Pros
Offers Unique Approach
Many seduction and pick up guides today teach the user general strategies that supposed to help him get the woman he wants.

The problem is that there is no such thing as "general strategy" for picking up women since every woman is very different in how she thinks, what she likes and what she wants from her man.
One of the biggest advantages of Pandora's Box is that this system gives you very specific strategies for each personality type and not just "one size fits all" advice, and by doing so it allows you to focus on the specific woman you want and to increase your chances to make her fall in love with you.
Comprehensive Program And Not Just A Seduction Guide
Another great thing about Vin DiCarlo's program is that this product is much more than just one of these seduction guides.
Vin DiCarlo's program consists of several videos and guides and there is no doubt that it is a very comprehensive and well written program.
The Program Offers Proven Strategies That Are Based On Psychological Studies
It took Vin DiCarlo several years to create his Pandora's Box program and all of the strategies inside this system have been tested in many researches.
Moreover, these strategies have been also recognized by a leading Harvard Professor and a PhD from UCLA, something that tells about the quality of this product.

The Cons
The Price
The Pandora's Box program is more expensive than many seduction and pick up guides online and people who are on a tight budget may find Vin DiCarlo's program to be too expensive for them.
Not For Everyone
Vin DiCarlo's program is highly conceptual program and this program doesn't provide the user solutions on inner issues with woman such as overcoming fears.

Men who have inner issues with the dating field may find the Pandora's Box program to be useless for them.

Pandora's Box Review - The Bottom Line
Overall, there is no doubt that Vin DiCarlo's Pandora's Box program is very unique and completely different from any other seduction and pick up program online.

The best thing about this system is that it takes in consideration the different personality types of women and offers the user specific approach to get the woman he wants and not just general advice which has much lower success rates.

The program is not a "magical pill" and like anything else there is no 100% success rate, however this program really provides all the tools and information needed to increase the chances to get the woman you want and to make her fall in love with you.

I hope that you have found this Pandora's Box review to be useful for you, all the best!
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SAP - An Investment in Business and Staff

Despite rising in popularity with UK organisations, many companies are unaware of the real benefits of SAP software. ERP systems in general are still viewed by some as confusing, technical structures which have no real place in a business. SAP implementations can be a lengthy and costly process, but they do deliver a wealth of benefits to a business and its employees.

Boosting Businesses
Much has been said about SAP's ERP and business software, however it cannot be denied that the functionality it offers to organisations brings with it a number of business benefits including:
  • improved productivity
  • improved communication channels and information access
  • reduction in operational costs
  • better responses to environmental changes
  • improved risk management
  • better strategic and operational alignment
Results such as these are to be expected from sophisticated SAP software, but are the benefits only felt by those sitting at the top of businesses and organisations? The answer quite simply is no, when SAP is implemented into a company the benefits are felt through each level of the organisation, all the way down to those hard-working employees at the bottom.

Boosting Employees
Any business hoping to succeed in today's environment should be aware of the fundamentals of employee motivation and productivity - training and development. Simply put, training and development helps a business to run more effectively and at maximum productivity. Successful SAP installations require a combination of implementation and comprehensive training and development for all end users.

Providing employees with access to relevant SAP training courses will allow them to understand and physically operate SAP software. Employees can become more confident when using the software, resulting in fewer mistakes; and they will be happy to embrace the organisational changes which SAP initiates. End user training shows employees just how crucial they are to the success of a SAP implementation, providing them with a sense of being valued and appreciated.

Introducing SAP into organisations also opens up new career pathways for employees. To really maximise a SAP investment, a business needs knowledgeable and capable individuals to develop the software improving its capabilities and the resulting benefits. Organisations can create new SAP roles for interested employees and provide them with advanced training and certification to ensure their long term success as in-house SAP professionals. After all a business with in-house experts is better placed to succeed than those relying on external support.

Finding and Rewarding Performance
Part of SAP's functionality is its ability to show business owners and managers, via individual reporting methods, who their top performers are and where they are situated. This makes it easier for businesses to introduce incentive schemes to reward those who deserve it, a key factor in boosting performance and productivity. Those employees who are struggling to perform are also easily identifiable, allowing companies to implement intervention and support methods to minimise the damaging effects of employee under-performance on a business.

Happy Staff equals a Happy Business
Clearly SAP implementations don't just benefit the strategic operations of a business; they benefit the people that matter most - employees. That old saying is true, a happy workforce does equal a productive business, and the functionality and flexibility of SAP products helps create that crucial happy workforce. A SAP investment is not just an investment into the future of a business it is also, and perhaps more importantly, an investment in the future of a business' employees.

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